原型與繼承(3) - class

Posted by TempuraEngineer on 2022-09-04






For instance, when creating a new object/class, methods should normally be associated to the object's prototype rather than defined into the object constructor. The reason is that whenever the constructor is called, the methods would get reassigned (that is, for every object creation).


使用extends可以繼承另一個class,被繼承的class為父class(superclass),繼承的為子class(derived class)



The super keyword is used to access properties on an object literal or class's [[Prototype]], or invoke a superclass's constructor.

class Person{
    constructor(name, skill){
        this.name = name;
        this.skill = skill;

class Politician extends Person{
    constructor(name, skill, party){
        super(name, skill); // 一定要有super,用來呼叫父class constructor
        this.party = party;

        return `${this.name}: ${content}`;

const clock = new Politician('時鐘', '報數', 'Dqp');
clock.name; // 時鐘
clock.party; // Dqp


super用於呼叫父class的constructor,在子class的靜態方法內時,可存取子class的__proto__的靜態屬性、方法,但子class的實例方法內無法,因為實例的proto是一個實例,實例上面是不會有class的靜態屬性、方法的,所以要不是得到undefined就是...is not a function

It calls the parent class's constructor and binds the parent class's public fields, after which the derived class's constructor can further access and modify this.

Within a class's body, the reference of super can be either the superclass's constructor itself, or the constructor's prototype, depending on whether the execution context is instance creation or class initialization

class Person{
    constructor(name, skill){
        // this在建構函式裡沒有指向,直到用new建立物件,this才指向該物件
        this.name = name;
        this.skill = skill;

        // 透過class呼叫靜態方法

    static countPerson(){
        // this指向Person
        this._count = this.count? this.count + 1 : 1;

    static get count(){
        // this指向Person
        return this._count? this._count : 0;

class Politician extends Person{
    constructor(name, skill, party){
        // 一定要有super,用來呼叫父class constructor
        super(name, skill); 
        this.party = party;


    static map = {};

    static countPartyMember(party){
        if(party in this.map){

            this.map[party] = 1;

    static showPercentOfPolitician(){
        // 設置初始值為0,避免map內沒有屬性時報錯Reduce of empty array with no initial value
        const number = Object.values(this.map).reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur, 0);

        // super指向Politician.__proto__,即Person class
        // 透過super可以取得父class的靜態方法、屬性
        return `There are ${super.count} people, and ${number} of them are politician.` 

        // this會指向由Politician new出來的實例,所以this.map會是undefined
        const number = this.map? Object.values(this.map).reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur, 0) : undefined;

        console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(this)); // Person {constructor: ƒ, foo: ƒ}
        // Person實例上不存在靜態屬性count,所以super.count會得到undefined
        return `There are ${super.count} people, and ${number} of them are politician.` 

const clock = new Politician('時鐘', '報數', 'Dqp');
const koreaFish = new Politician('韓國魚', '發大財', 'Knt');
const alex = new Person('Alex', 'programming');

Politician.showPercentOfPolitician(); // There are 3 people, and 2 of them are politician.
clock.getPercentOfPolitician(); // There are undefined people, and undefined of them are politician.


Note that the reference of super is determined by the class or object literal super was declared in, not the object the method is called on.


Therefore, unbinding or re-binding a method doesn't change the reference of super in it (although they do change the reference of this).

class Person{
    constructor(name, skill){
        // this在建構函式裡沒有指向,直到用new建立物件,this才指向該物件
        this.name = name;
        this.skill = skill;

        // 透過class呼叫靜態方法

    static countPerson(){
        // this指向Person
        this._count = this.count? this.count + 1 : 1;

    static get count(){
        console.log('this is count from Person');
        // this指向Person
        return this._count? this._count : 0;

class Human{
    constructor(name, skinColor){
        this.name = name;
        this.skinColor = skinColor;

    static map = {

    static get count(){
        // this指向Human
        return 87;

class Politician extends Person{
    constructor(name, skill, party){
        // 一定要有super,用來呼叫父class constructor
        super(name, skill); 
        this.party = party;


    static map = {};

    static countPartyMember(party){
        if(party in this.map){

            this.map[party] = 1;

    static showPercentOfPolitician(){
        // 設置初始值為0,避免map內沒有屬性時報錯Reduce of empty array with no initial value
        const number = Object.values(this.map).reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur, 0);

        // super指向Politician.__proto__,即Person class
        // 透過super可以取得父class的靜態方法、屬性
        return `There are ${super.count} people, and ${number} of them are politician.` 

const clock = new Politician('時鐘', '報數', 'Dqp');
const koreaFish = new Politician('韓國魚', '發大財', 'Knt');
const alex = new Person('Alex', 'programming');

Politician.showPercentOfPolitician(); // There are 3 people, and 2 of them are politician.

// this指向Politician
// super指向Person

const rebind = Politician.showPercentOfPolitician.bind(Human); 
rebind(); // There are 0 people, and 111 of them are politician.

// this指向被改成Human,所以會得到Human.map的{unknown:111}
// super指向仍是Person,所以不會得到Human.count的87

私有 & getter & setter



class Person{
    #age = 0;

    constructor(name, birthDay){
        this.name = name;
        this.birthDay = birthDay;


        this.#age = Math.floor((new Date() - new Date(this.birthDay)) / 365 / 24 / 60 / 60 / 1000);

    get userAge(){ 
        // 私有屬性不能只接存取,所以透過getter return私有屬性,
        // 實例才能透過getter取得私有屬性,這樣也可以避免私有屬性從實例被改變
        return this.#age;

const alex = new Person('Alex', '1989-08-09');
alex.userAge; // 33
alex.#age; // Private field '#age' must be declared in an enclosing class

alex.userAge = 50;
alex.userAge; // 33



靜態方法常作為工具函式(utility functions)使用,靜態屬性則適合用於快取、不變的設定、不需要暴露給實例的屬性

Static methods are often utility functions, such as functions to create or clone objects, whereas static properties are useful for caches, fixed-configuration, or any other data you don't need to be replicated across instances.


class Person{
    constructor(name, skill){
        // this在建構函式裡沒有指向,直到用new建立物件,this才指向該物件
        this.name = name;
        this.skill = skill;

        // 透過class呼叫靜態方法

    static countPerson(){
        // this指向Person
        this._count = this.count? this.count + 1 : 1;

    static get count(){
        // this指向Person
        return this._count;

class Politician extends Person{
    constructor(name, skill, party){
        // 一定要有super,用來呼叫父class constructor
        super(name, skill); 
        this.party = party;


    static map = {};

    static countPartyMember(party){
        if(party in this.map){

            this.map[party] = 1;

    static showPercentOfPolitician(){
        const number = Object.values(this.map).reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur);

        // super指向Person,透過super可以取得父class的靜態方法、屬性
        return `There are ${super.count} people, and ${number} of them are politician.` 

        // 透過this.constructor存取Politician,這樣就能存取Politician的靜態屬性
        const number = this.constructor.map[this.party];
        return `I came from ${this.party}, and there are ${number} member${number > 1? 's' : ''} in our party.`;

const clock = new Politician('時鐘', '報數', 'Dqp');
const koreaFish = new Politician('韓國魚', '發大財', 'Knt');
clock.talkingAboutParty(); // I came from Dqp, and there are 1 member in our party.

const soLong = new Politician('真長', '注意!', 'Dqp');
clock.talkingAboutParty(); // I came from Dqp, and there are 2 members in our party.

Politician.map; // {Dqp:2, Knt:1}


MDN - Class
MDN - super
MDN - private
MDN - static

ES6 的 Class 、super 的特例與繼承


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